Monday, May 14, 2012


(Nicki POV)
Come on Onika, Just a few more shots and I'll be done. In due time, it will all be worth it. Do it for my family and the barbz.
I kept taking short breaths to calm myself down. I'm very tired. From rift rafting between rehearsals and studio time, I've been really busy lately. Today I have a live for now commercial for Pepsi and I'm really excited, I really am. I've been here since 10am and its now going on 3pm. I just wanna go home and lay in bed with Aubrey. I was in my own little world, until I heard the director say " that's a wrap." HungryNIKA is calling. I headed to the snack bar and loaded my coach mini bag with the little sweet chocolate candies. Call me greedy, but everyone knows I like to eat! Got damn it! I was in the middle of a food war with the smearing chocolate surrounding my lips , when one of my assistants came towards me handing me a phone . "Who wants to talk to me?" "Your mother, a ummm Mrs.Maraj?" Well, I better start digging my grave right NOW.

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