Saturday, May 5, 2012

Chapter 12: The Real Her (Part 2)

(3rd Person POV)
The couple laid awake , neither knowing the other was awake as well. Nicki felt Drake stir in the bed, so she turned her body facing him. "Drake, I know you're not sleep." Drake fluttred his eyes open, looking pasted Nicki's shoulder looking at the clock. The time read 2:49am. "Nic, I- umm, you heard that?" "Yeah. Don't be silly, you do know me babe." "Onika, baby why do you put up this wall? I'm trying to be with you , but all you do is push me away and we can't keep doing this." He turned on the lamp on the nearby night stand to look Nicki dead in her eyes. Drake lifted her chin , when she put her head down. "Hey, beautiful. You can tell me whats on your mind okay ?" "Its just that . . " "Its just what Nic?" "Its just that every relationship I'm in, it always goes downhill. When I love , I love hard, really hard. But its just that they always seem to run away and I can never find the right one." Drake sat up and kept listening intentively. "But you Drake, baby I just thought if I kind of keep my distance from you, I could keep you forever and you wouldn't leave me." "Onika, I've been hurt too and I know how it feels and I would never, I mean never hurt you. I hate it when such a pretty face cries. You're too good for that and I'm never leaving your side." "See and this is why I love you Aubrey." "You sound like you really mean it." "That's because I do." "I love you too Onika." Onika laid her head on Drake's chest .
A few hours passed, and neither one of them were sleep. They just cuddled up together and enjoyed each other's company. "I'm ready." Nicki said confidently. "Nic, I don't think you are." "And why is that?" Drake furrowed his eyebrow. "I don't want you to wake up later on and regret what happend." "You don't want to have sex with me?" "Really Nic? o_O Of course I do! You're Nicki Minaj, I love you and any nigga would be stupid to not wanna tap that." Nicki grabbed a pillow and hit him upside the head. "Ouch!" "I'm serious Drake!" "As am I." Nicki huffed her breath. "Soon baby, soon." "Okay." Drake grabbed Nicki's face with both of his hands and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips.


  1. Aww she finally gave in 2 him! Drake truly loves Nicki & is bein the man she needs & deserves! Such a gentleman 4 waitin 4 her, post soon! :)

  2. I really like this story, when will you post the next chapter?

  3. Ummm , Its half way written . . . . When Do you want me to post it ? lol .
