Saturday, April 28, 2012

Chapter 11: The Real Her

(3rd Person POV)
Nicki woke up, grabbed her blackberry and made her way to the restroom to do her morning duties. She checked her phone to see she had 3 missed calls this morning, all from Safaree.
Nicki: Okay, Damn. Good Morning to you too!
Safaree: Yeah, whatever. Good Morning.
Nicki: Anyways, what's so important?
Safaree: Its 9:45am and you have a photo shoot for Complex magazine at 10:30am. Please tell me you didn't forget!?!
Nicki: Damn it ! I'll be ready in a few. I'll text you! Love you!
Safaree: What does a coon have to do to get you up!?!?
Nicki: BYE!
Nicki's conversation woke Drake up from his slumber. Nicki had showered and got dressed into a simple white shirt, jean booty shorts, and cropped jacket. No makeup today and her hair was a high bun with her baby hair falling in her face. "Good morning babe." "Hi, Drake." Nicki said blushing. "You look pretty. Where are you headed to?" "I have a photo shoot and interview with Complex Magazine." Drake dropped his head down and ran his fingers through his curly afro. "I'm sorry babe, I should be back in a few hours." "Its okay, because I was gonna go head down to the studio with 40 to work on some new music." "Okay,well text me okay? "Sure." "I love you." "I love you too Nicki." And with that, Nicki grabbed an iced coffee from the fridge and peeled out of the driveway in her benz.
When Nicki got to the shoot, she was greeted by fresh pink roses with a note that said: Even when you're not here, I still think about you. I love you -Drake
That note kept Nicki's spirit's up throughout the whole day. Her pictures came out perfectly.
(Drake & 40)
"Ayo,40 drop the beat"Drake said putting on his headphones.
*Underground Kings Beat Plays*
"Sometimes I need that romance. Sometimes I need that pole dance. Sometimes I need that stripper that's gone tell me that she don't dance....." "Yo', That was dope!" "Thanks man." The men sat down on the couch and engaged in small talk, while smoking Jamaican blunts. "So how are you and Ms. Nicki?" "We're good. She thinks we're moving too fast though." "Why?" "To be honest, I don't know man. Its not like we've had sex yet-" "WHAT?!?" That's what I'm saying. I guess its cuz' I'm used to getting what I want fast. But not with her. She makes me want to slow down and give her all the love I have and I don't mind waiting till' she's ready, because she's worth it." "Well, as long as you guys are happy, that's all that matters right?" "Exactly, but is is crazy to say even though we've been dating for 6 months, I want to marry her right now and start a family with her?" "Not at all." "But she's got this wall up and if I could just tear it down, I can see the real her." Drake just had an epiphany. He started typing lyrics into his blackberry and about and hour later, he sent his lyrics to ander 3000 and Wayne, asking to be on the song. They sent their verses back and the song was created. "Is this song about her?" "Yes." Drake sad blushing. "I wonder what my baby is doing right now." "Go see then." A'ight, man see you later."
Nicki had just got off the phone with her 13 year old borhter, Maciah. She always called twice a week to check up on him in school and in his social life. She was helping him with his math homework on skype. "Nicki, this is super hard!" "No its not lamb chop! Try again!" "No!" Yes, do you want me to come down to your school and tell your teacher?" "You can't" "Why not?" "Because you're freakin' famous." "Oh yeah." Drake had just came home and sat down next to Nicki on the bed. "Nicki, Whats that noise over there?" "Ohh, Its just my boy . . . oop bye Lambchop!" "Wait!" "BYE!" Nicki ended the video call. "You know you're wrong for hanging up in his face like that." "I know, but he has a big mouth." "Have you told your parents about me?" "No, not yet." "Wow." "Aubrey, don't be like that. Its just I've had my heart broken too many times and I don't want to put myself through that again nor my family." "Nic, let me show you I'll never hurt you." I-I- I don't know Aubrey." "Obviously you know I would do no harm, because you bought a condo with me! Nic just hear me-" "Not now Aubrey, can we finish this later?" Nicki rolled over and went to bed, while Drake's eyes never closed.
"I wanna get to know the real you." But I'll wait forever. I love you." Drake kissed Nicki's forehead. Drake thought Nicki was sleep, but she wasn't .

Author's comments: Can you guyz please leave comments?!?! I feel like I'm doing this for nothing :( Pluss I feel better!


  1. I loved it they cute. Aww Aubrey blushing and shit. Good job.

  2. Your not doing this for no reason I love your chapters
    I think nicki should show drake the real her because he has showed her that she can trust him so yeah I can't wait for your next chapter and keep up the good work barb :)~Post soon
