Monday, April 23, 2012

Chapter 10: Long way to Go

(3rd Person POV)
The glass cherry door swung open wide, revealing a short petite woman about 4'11 with honey blonde hair. Her name was Sandi Graham, also known as Drake's mother. Nicki's heart was doing the super bass beat. She was so nervous. What if she doesn't like me? Does his mom even know who I am? God, please don't let me make a fool of myself. Nicki prayed inside her head. "Hi Aubrey! I miss you so much. You never come to check up on me. Oh, who's your little friend here?" Sandi was talking a mile a minute. "(Laughs) Mom, be nice. This is my good friend Nicki and be the looks of it, she's nervous, so don't scare her too much ma." Drake said pecking his mother on the cheek. "Hi. Nicki." "Hi Mrs.Graham, Drake's told me alot about you." "Oh really now?" Sandi asked, furrowing her eyebrows at Drake. "Yes Mam." "I'm gonna go prepare the food and set up the table. Be back." "I'll help you ma." "No its okay Aubrey." Sandi said pinching Drake's cheeks. "Hey mom." "Yes son?" "Let go of my face." "Right." Sandi walked into the kitchen. Drake led Nicki over the the sofa. "So I'm your friend now?" Nicki asked, rolling her eyes. "Of course not Onika. I only said that, because my mom has seen me get hurt by many females, including Rihanna and most of all, I looked into your eyes and I saw you weren't ready." "You're right Aubrey. I just-." Nicki was cut off by Drake's soft lips connecting with hers. Drake slipped his tongue itno Nicki's mouth, she didn't complain. 8 minutes went by and they were still at it. They didn't even see Sandi walk in. "Is that what friends do now a days? Sandi said putting emphasis on friends. "MOM!" "What Aubrey!?" "You're embarrasing me!" "Ms.Graham, I'm so sorry." "its okay, I knew you guys weren't just friends, you're too pretty." And with that comment, A wide smile appeared across Nicki's face. "Thanks."
(Okay, I don't feel like writing about the dinner, just know they had a blast and Sandi figured out Dricki date and She is very fond of Nicki)
(Back at the hotel)
Nicki stripped of her clothing, only wearing a big t-shirt and her leapard thong. She climbed into bed with Drake, who had on pajama pants and no shirt. "Baby, you know you're mom is really funny? those baby pictures were too cute!" "Yeah. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." "It was an awesome day! But don't you think we're moving a bit too fast? I mean we've only been dating for 2 going on 3 months." "I don't think so. It just feels like I've known you forever and you were always here where you should be, right by my side." "Awww, BABY!" Nicki leaned in and gave Drake a peck on the lips. "When did we kiss like this!?! Give me full lips damnit!" "(Laughs really hard)" "I hate that laugh" "Shut up!" "You know you love me." "*Thinks* You're in for luck, I love you a little." "Really? -_-" "I gotta surprise for you babe." "What?" I uploaded a new picture of you on your website." "You're a naughty girl. Daddy should getchu back for that." "Boy please and You AIN'T my daddy!" A few minutes later, the cute couple's conversation was traded in with the sound of snores.

(The Picture Nicki uploaded)

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