Sunday, December 30, 2012

Chapter 14: Tour Temptations Part 1

Author's Note: I'm SO sorry for not posting in three months , that's not like me at all . I just started high school and its very hectic. Plus I have no Internet :( yay Enjoy!

(Nicki's POV) 
[3 Months Later] I sat in my all pink dressing room, sitting in my chair getting my hair and makeup done by Terrance and Day. Since today was the last show of my Roman Reloaded tour, I wanted to surprise my barbz with my classic wig: The black and pink long bob. Omgee, they are gonna be just as excited as me! I heard a knock on my door. It was Safaree handing me my microphone and telling me to get on stage. I rolled my eyes and gave myself a overlook in the mirror. I look good! Work it! I thought to myself. I could hear the roars of the crowd grow louder and louder as I emerged from stage. Tonight was gonna be a good performance. My song Whip it blasted through the speakers and I rapped the first verse: Hey you, jump in this ride. Its real nice and slippery inside. Ride Ride , come get ths pie R R R Ride it in style. I could smell the crowd's energy. Other than God, my barbz are my reason for getting outta bed . Once the song was over, the spotlight was on me . "I just wanna say how much I love my barbz and ken barbz. You guys are my reason. Without you, I'd still be waiting tables at Red lobster. *Chuckles* I love you all, each and everyone of you! Goodnight. Muahhhh!" I handed my microphone off to one of the stage managers and made my way to some of Ymcmb and my glam team. First one to greet me was Terrance. "Honey chileee , you did good. You slayed." I gushed over at his compliment . The rest of the fam said their congrats. I changed from tonight's costume to a simple light pink fitted tee and yoga pants with my wavy black wig . I was on my way to the hotel so I could rest and possibly skype Aubrey. 
Before I could even press the start button on my car (no keys, push to start. lol I had to), There was a dark figure standing next to my passenger window. I was about to call 911, then they started yelling!
"Wait, Nicki. Gimme a chance to explain!" The person pleaded. I guess I'm not going to my suite anytime soon. I rolled down my window to see Cameron, my horrible ex boyfriend I dated during my mixtape days. *Fuck, Drive Nicki DRIVE!*

Monday, July 30, 2012

Chapter 13: Get Ready

(Nicki's POV)
I swallowed the remaining chocolate in my mouth and prepared
myself for this conversation. I could feel my heart beating through my chest.
"Hey Mommy."
"Don't you 'hey mommy' me Onika!"

"Oop, I know you know already ma."
"Yes I do. Explain yourself."

Spit it out Onika! Then you can just get it over wtih.
"Okay, Mommy. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about me and Drake dating, I just wanted to wait and see if...."
"WHAT!?!? I was just going to say how you needed to come make a visit to see me and your father. Macaiah misses you alot and so does Jalani. But you and Drake? How cute we'll talk once you get here in a few weeks."
"Okay bye ma."
"Love you."
"Love you too."

Nicki sighed in relief, because her mom approved of her and Drake dating.
"Seriously?" Drake said taking a sip of henny from his glass.
"Yep, She said she's coming sometime soon."
"Well I'm glad that she's okay with it. I don't wanna disappoint your mom." "Never that, babe." Drake and Nicki took a long pause and just stared at each other and started laughing. "You're so cute!" Nicki said pinching Drake's face. He gave her a frown. "What?" "Ugh, my mom does that stuff and I hate it!" "Get used to it, babe."
All of a sudden Nicki's phone rang. The caller ID read: ScaffBeezy.
"Hello?" "Well, I think I dialed my best friend in the whole wide world, but I haven't heard from her in two weeks. Is she decent?" Nicki giggled at Safaree being so dramatic. "Faree', I'm right here. But I've been so busy and I'm so sorry!" "Pshh, whatever. Go pack your bags, because you have a tour. Or were you too wrapped up in lover boy?" Drake interjected. "Aha, Oh. Word? I gotchu SB." "Naw man I'm just fucking with you #pauz" Everyone shared a laugh. Then Nicki sighed. "I wanna cancel the world wide tour. I wanna stay with you Drakey!" That made Drake's heart melt. Safaree had hung up the phone, to give them some space. "Babe, your barbz have paid good money to see your beautiful face and I know you don't wanna disappoint them, right?" Nicki nodded her head. Drake lifted Nicki's head up with his thumb and index finger on her chin, making her look into his golden eyes. Since she was so short, he leaned down to give her a peck on the lips, which turned into a full blown make out session. Drake finally pulled away. "Lets go pack your bags." Nicki huffed again. "Fine :(" Drake smacked Nicki's ass, causing her to squeal. "Don't be like that. Drizzy's got something for you when you get back." He winked at her.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Flashback #1

(Nicki's POV)
"You having fun, kid?" Wayne asked, obviously drunk. I cocked my head to the side and responded with a quick "yes." He got the message and went back to join the rest of the Young Money/Cash Money family. They looked like they were having a good time. Me, I couldn't bring myself to it. I scurried away from the group, not wanting to be a Debby downer and found a nice seat in the corner side eyeing everyone. Then there he was. Light skin complexion. Curly Afro. Golden hazel eyes. He was the reason I wasn't feeling my best tonight. I took out my barbie berry, to look like i was busy. Little did I know, he took a seat right across from me. Great, just what I needed. *Onika, tonight is not the night to make a fool out of yourself* I wish Martha wasn't in my head right now. She's Roman's mom, not mines. He saw that I was in deep thought. "Is this seat taken?" He already knew the answer to that question. Why does he do that? "No. You can stay if you want to." A smile creeped upon his face, showing his pearly whites that was to die for. "Whats so funny?" "Its funny how you are over in this corner like you're the ugly girl that didn't get picked to be dance with at prom." A rolled my eyes like I was really hurt, but I wasn't. "I feel like it. I wanna dance, but I'm not that good of a dancer." "No prob, I like to teach." I winked at him. He took one last sip of henny from his glass, reached for my hand and lead me to the dance floor.
"Ouch!" I accidently stepped on his foot with my red bottom heels. "I told you I suck at dancing. Sorry!" I looked down, because he probably thought I was a cluts. He lifted my chin up with his thub, causing me to look into his eyes. "Aubrey, please. You do have a girlfriend." "I'm sorry, its just you're so precious." "#pauz." "What? Why?" "Because Precious is a big girl." Weboth laughed at the same time. "I'll get my kiss from you one of these days Miss Minaj." "Maybe when you loose your little girlfriend." I looked up at him and he gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before turning around to leave to get back to his girlfriend, Rihanna. I could feel her green eyes burning a hole in my back. I don't know why, but I get the feeling she doesn't like me. Why is she starng at me like that? He kissed me. Plus she has the guy that I'm secretly love. No. I don't love Drake, he's my brother. *Bitch, stop lying to yourself! You want ze zick!* I watched them walk out hand and hand. Soon after I got in my benz and headed home too. *Aubrey, I do love you. I'm IN love with you!*

Monday, May 14, 2012


(Nicki POV)
Come on Onika, Just a few more shots and I'll be done. In due time, it will all be worth it. Do it for my family and the barbz.
I kept taking short breaths to calm myself down. I'm very tired. From rift rafting between rehearsals and studio time, I've been really busy lately. Today I have a live for now commercial for Pepsi and I'm really excited, I really am. I've been here since 10am and its now going on 3pm. I just wanna go home and lay in bed with Aubrey. I was in my own little world, until I heard the director say " that's a wrap." HungryNIKA is calling. I headed to the snack bar and loaded my coach mini bag with the little sweet chocolate candies. Call me greedy, but everyone knows I like to eat! Got damn it! I was in the middle of a food war with the smearing chocolate surrounding my lips , when one of my assistants came towards me handing me a phone . "Who wants to talk to me?" "Your mother, a ummm Mrs.Maraj?" Well, I better start digging my grave right NOW.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Chapter 12: The Real Her (Part 2)

(3rd Person POV)
The couple laid awake , neither knowing the other was awake as well. Nicki felt Drake stir in the bed, so she turned her body facing him. "Drake, I know you're not sleep." Drake fluttred his eyes open, looking pasted Nicki's shoulder looking at the clock. The time read 2:49am. "Nic, I- umm, you heard that?" "Yeah. Don't be silly, you do know me babe." "Onika, baby why do you put up this wall? I'm trying to be with you , but all you do is push me away and we can't keep doing this." He turned on the lamp on the nearby night stand to look Nicki dead in her eyes. Drake lifted her chin , when she put her head down. "Hey, beautiful. You can tell me whats on your mind okay ?" "Its just that . . " "Its just what Nic?" "Its just that every relationship I'm in, it always goes downhill. When I love , I love hard, really hard. But its just that they always seem to run away and I can never find the right one." Drake sat up and kept listening intentively. "But you Drake, baby I just thought if I kind of keep my distance from you, I could keep you forever and you wouldn't leave me." "Onika, I've been hurt too and I know how it feels and I would never, I mean never hurt you. I hate it when such a pretty face cries. You're too good for that and I'm never leaving your side." "See and this is why I love you Aubrey." "You sound like you really mean it." "That's because I do." "I love you too Onika." Onika laid her head on Drake's chest .
A few hours passed, and neither one of them were sleep. They just cuddled up together and enjoyed each other's company. "I'm ready." Nicki said confidently. "Nic, I don't think you are." "And why is that?" Drake furrowed his eyebrow. "I don't want you to wake up later on and regret what happend." "You don't want to have sex with me?" "Really Nic? o_O Of course I do! You're Nicki Minaj, I love you and any nigga would be stupid to not wanna tap that." Nicki grabbed a pillow and hit him upside the head. "Ouch!" "I'm serious Drake!" "As am I." Nicki huffed her breath. "Soon baby, soon." "Okay." Drake grabbed Nicki's face with both of his hands and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Chapter 11: The Real Her

(3rd Person POV)
Nicki woke up, grabbed her blackberry and made her way to the restroom to do her morning duties. She checked her phone to see she had 3 missed calls this morning, all from Safaree.
Nicki: Okay, Damn. Good Morning to you too!
Safaree: Yeah, whatever. Good Morning.
Nicki: Anyways, what's so important?
Safaree: Its 9:45am and you have a photo shoot for Complex magazine at 10:30am. Please tell me you didn't forget!?!
Nicki: Damn it ! I'll be ready in a few. I'll text you! Love you!
Safaree: What does a coon have to do to get you up!?!?
Nicki: BYE!
Nicki's conversation woke Drake up from his slumber. Nicki had showered and got dressed into a simple white shirt, jean booty shorts, and cropped jacket. No makeup today and her hair was a high bun with her baby hair falling in her face. "Good morning babe." "Hi, Drake." Nicki said blushing. "You look pretty. Where are you headed to?" "I have a photo shoot and interview with Complex Magazine." Drake dropped his head down and ran his fingers through his curly afro. "I'm sorry babe, I should be back in a few hours." "Its okay, because I was gonna go head down to the studio with 40 to work on some new music." "Okay,well text me okay? "Sure." "I love you." "I love you too Nicki." And with that, Nicki grabbed an iced coffee from the fridge and peeled out of the driveway in her benz.
When Nicki got to the shoot, she was greeted by fresh pink roses with a note that said: Even when you're not here, I still think about you. I love you -Drake
That note kept Nicki's spirit's up throughout the whole day. Her pictures came out perfectly.
(Drake & 40)
"Ayo,40 drop the beat"Drake said putting on his headphones.
*Underground Kings Beat Plays*
"Sometimes I need that romance. Sometimes I need that pole dance. Sometimes I need that stripper that's gone tell me that she don't dance....." "Yo', That was dope!" "Thanks man." The men sat down on the couch and engaged in small talk, while smoking Jamaican blunts. "So how are you and Ms. Nicki?" "We're good. She thinks we're moving too fast though." "Why?" "To be honest, I don't know man. Its not like we've had sex yet-" "WHAT?!?" That's what I'm saying. I guess its cuz' I'm used to getting what I want fast. But not with her. She makes me want to slow down and give her all the love I have and I don't mind waiting till' she's ready, because she's worth it." "Well, as long as you guys are happy, that's all that matters right?" "Exactly, but is is crazy to say even though we've been dating for 6 months, I want to marry her right now and start a family with her?" "Not at all." "But she's got this wall up and if I could just tear it down, I can see the real her." Drake just had an epiphany. He started typing lyrics into his blackberry and about and hour later, he sent his lyrics to ander 3000 and Wayne, asking to be on the song. They sent their verses back and the song was created. "Is this song about her?" "Yes." Drake sad blushing. "I wonder what my baby is doing right now." "Go see then." A'ight, man see you later."
Nicki had just got off the phone with her 13 year old borhter, Maciah. She always called twice a week to check up on him in school and in his social life. She was helping him with his math homework on skype. "Nicki, this is super hard!" "No its not lamb chop! Try again!" "No!" Yes, do you want me to come down to your school and tell your teacher?" "You can't" "Why not?" "Because you're freakin' famous." "Oh yeah." Drake had just came home and sat down next to Nicki on the bed. "Nicki, Whats that noise over there?" "Ohh, Its just my boy . . . oop bye Lambchop!" "Wait!" "BYE!" Nicki ended the video call. "You know you're wrong for hanging up in his face like that." "I know, but he has a big mouth." "Have you told your parents about me?" "No, not yet." "Wow." "Aubrey, don't be like that. Its just I've had my heart broken too many times and I don't want to put myself through that again nor my family." "Nic, let me show you I'll never hurt you." I-I- I don't know Aubrey." "Obviously you know I would do no harm, because you bought a condo with me! Nic just hear me-" "Not now Aubrey, can we finish this later?" Nicki rolled over and went to bed, while Drake's eyes never closed.
"I wanna get to know the real you." But I'll wait forever. I love you." Drake kissed Nicki's forehead. Drake thought Nicki was sleep, but she wasn't .

Author's comments: Can you guyz please leave comments?!?! I feel like I'm doing this for nothing :( Pluss I feel better!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Chapter 10: Long way to Go

(3rd Person POV)
The glass cherry door swung open wide, revealing a short petite woman about 4'11 with honey blonde hair. Her name was Sandi Graham, also known as Drake's mother. Nicki's heart was doing the super bass beat. She was so nervous. What if she doesn't like me? Does his mom even know who I am? God, please don't let me make a fool of myself. Nicki prayed inside her head. "Hi Aubrey! I miss you so much. You never come to check up on me. Oh, who's your little friend here?" Sandi was talking a mile a minute. "(Laughs) Mom, be nice. This is my good friend Nicki and be the looks of it, she's nervous, so don't scare her too much ma." Drake said pecking his mother on the cheek. "Hi. Nicki." "Hi Mrs.Graham, Drake's told me alot about you." "Oh really now?" Sandi asked, furrowing her eyebrows at Drake. "Yes Mam." "I'm gonna go prepare the food and set up the table. Be back." "I'll help you ma." "No its okay Aubrey." Sandi said pinching Drake's cheeks. "Hey mom." "Yes son?" "Let go of my face." "Right." Sandi walked into the kitchen. Drake led Nicki over the the sofa. "So I'm your friend now?" Nicki asked, rolling her eyes. "Of course not Onika. I only said that, because my mom has seen me get hurt by many females, including Rihanna and most of all, I looked into your eyes and I saw you weren't ready." "You're right Aubrey. I just-." Nicki was cut off by Drake's soft lips connecting with hers. Drake slipped his tongue itno Nicki's mouth, she didn't complain. 8 minutes went by and they were still at it. They didn't even see Sandi walk in. "Is that what friends do now a days? Sandi said putting emphasis on friends. "MOM!" "What Aubrey!?" "You're embarrasing me!" "Ms.Graham, I'm so sorry." "its okay, I knew you guys weren't just friends, you're too pretty." And with that comment, A wide smile appeared across Nicki's face. "Thanks."
(Okay, I don't feel like writing about the dinner, just know they had a blast and Sandi figured out Dricki date and She is very fond of Nicki)
(Back at the hotel)
Nicki stripped of her clothing, only wearing a big t-shirt and her leapard thong. She climbed into bed with Drake, who had on pajama pants and no shirt. "Baby, you know you're mom is really funny? those baby pictures were too cute!" "Yeah. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." "It was an awesome day! But don't you think we're moving a bit too fast? I mean we've only been dating for 2 going on 3 months." "I don't think so. It just feels like I've known you forever and you were always here where you should be, right by my side." "Awww, BABY!" Nicki leaned in and gave Drake a peck on the lips. "When did we kiss like this!?! Give me full lips damnit!" "(Laughs really hard)" "I hate that laugh" "Shut up!" "You know you love me." "*Thinks* You're in for luck, I love you a little." "Really? -_-" "I gotta surprise for you babe." "What?" I uploaded a new picture of you on your website." "You're a naughty girl. Daddy should getchu back for that." "Boy please and You AIN'T my daddy!" A few minutes later, the cute couple's conversation was traded in with the sound of snores.

(The Picture Nicki uploaded)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chapter 9: Roman Holiday (Part 2)

(3rd Person POV)
The next day at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Drake and Nicki's plane Los Angeles to Toronto landed. Nicki was so nervous, because she could tell Drake had something up his sleeve later on today. Once they got their luggage, they found their driver. They got into the car and made their way to their hotel. Somehow the barbz and kenbarbz found out where she was and the paparazzi snapped pictures of her and Drake at their hotel

They got settled in and lounged out on the king size bed. "So babe, whats on the agenda today?" Nicki said roaming her fingertips over Drake's chest. "Well, I was kind of thinking we go grab a bite to eat." "Okay." "Don't forget to put something cute on." "Boy, hush . I always look cute." "That's what she said." Drake chuckled. Nicki returned with a sour face. "I'm just kidding babe, now hurry up." Nicki went into the restroom. She took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, put lotion all over her body and put her matching cheetah print set on and came out the restroom.

Nicki's curves were pouring out of her panties, practically spilling over. She decided she wanted to tease Drake by coming out half naked. As soon as she stepped out the shower, his mouth dropped completely. "Drake, you're drooling." Nicki said giggling. "Damn baby, I can't help it. Look at what you do to me." Drake replied while pointing at his newly formed erection. He grabbed a pillow off the bed to cover it up. "(Burst into laughter) You're so fucking hysterical." "Whatever, you ready to go?" Yeah. do I look good Aubrey?" Nicki asked, running her hands over her luscious curves.
 "Hell Yes. If we don't get out this hotel, the neighbors are going to know my name. That Drizzy three stroke ain't no joke." Drake said fixing his shirt. "Boy please,but in due time baby." "In due time." Drake replied. 
The car ride to their destination was short and simple. Once they reached their destination, they found themselves at a nice luxury house in the wealthy Toronto neighborhood of Forest Hill. "Drake, I thought you said we're going to dinner."We are. Just chill, okay?" "Okay." They got out of the car and made their way to the front door of the grand house. Drake knocked on the door and grabbed Nicki's hand. "Drake please don't tell me . . ." Nicki's voice trailed off.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Chapter 8: Roman Holiday

(3rd Person POV)
"Mother, Forgive me. . ." Nicki sang her last line into her microphone. She had graced the grammy stage with her Catholic inspired performance of her newest song, 'Roman Holiday'. A load of emotions rushed into her body. She was happy that she got nominated for several categories. It didn't matter if she won a grammy award or not, just to be nominated for one is honoring. But at the same time she was sad. Sad, because of what she had to tell her barbz. The crowd was still in an astonished daze at what just took place. They had no idea what was about to come next. The music faded out and Nicki began to speak into her mic. "Did you guys like the excercism?!?!?" Nicki pointed her mic to the crowd and they roared. "I guess so. Look barbz I know you guys know about my leaked music, so I decided to take an actual Roman Holiday. Maybe a month or two, okay? Don't cry because I'm gonna cry too." Nicki said wiping a tear away. And with that she exited the stage and headed for her dressing room. Nicki pulled her blonde lace wig into a bun, atop her head. along with a simple cotton white t-shirt and zebra leggings with pink UGG boots. She hopped into her car and headed to her secret LA' condo uptown. She couldn't go home to Drake. She needed time to clear her head and she didn't want to be interrupted. She got out of her car and opened the door to her condo and dashed for the bed. She was on her way to sleep when she heard a text ping from her phone. It was Drake, the person she was avoiding.
Nic where are you? Are you okay?-DrizzyOVO
Drake,chill. I'm fine and safe. I just need to be alone.-PinkFriday
Alone? Did I do something wrong? Is this about the twitter leaking thing?-DrizzyOVO
Yes. Plus you said it yourself: I needed a "Roman Holiday".-PinkFriday
Yeah. A break, WITH ME !-DrizzyOVO
Lol,oops. Sorry.-PinkFriday
*Comes and knocks on your door*-DrizzyOVO
Real funny Drake-PinkFriday
Nicki heard a faint knock at the door. She thought kids were playing at her door, so she started walking back to her bedroom. "Its me Onika. Don't run. Let me in." Drake said in a deep sexy baratone voice. Nicki opened the door and let Drake in. They both made their way into Nicki's bedroom.
Drake took off his cargo jacket and his shoes and climbed into bed with Nicki. "What a surprise to see you Drakey." Nicki said pulling the covers over her shoulders. "(Laughs) I hate that name. I came to give you an offering." "What kind of offering?" Nicki furrowed her eyebrows. "Lets take a nice relaxing trip up north." "North as in Tornonto north?" "Yeah, or New York north?" No . No, Toronto sounds nice. "Wanna meet my moms?" "Not yet Aubrey, but soon."
"Fine by me."
They spent the rest of the night singing old songs from their mixtapes and soon, fell asleep, arms wrapped around each other.


(3rd Person POV)
Nicki woke up to the sound of her barbieberry vibrating on the nightstand. She unlocked her her phone, grabbed a jacket and slipped out of bed, trying not to wake up Drake. Her mission was successful. Nicki quickly, but silently made her way outside, to the patio. She saw thousands of mentions pouring from the barbz.
@NickiDaily:"New Music from The queen, Nicki Minaj:'
Nicki thought it was a cruel media joke, so she looked onto the website and nothing but her freshly written music started playing from her speaker. Nicki felt her blood boil. How could her so called barbz do this to her? Nicki sunk to her seat and began crying . .  "I can't."

(This is what Nicki Minaj wrote on her REAL Twitter)

Chapter 7: Leaks

*Author's Comments: I changed the title of chapter 7 soooo, yeah just in case you're wondering :) Plusssss s/o to @Barb_TheBAD for giving some good ass advice for my dricki Fiction . Anyways ENJOY . . .

(3rd Person POV)
Its been 2 months since the big fight with Rihanna and Nicki. The Dricki couple have moved past that chapter in their lives and were now on to bigger and better things. Alot can go on in a two month span. Nicki decided on living with Drake in his lofty condo in downton LA. Everything was going great. . . so far.
(Drake POV)
I woke up early, like around 11am. Yeah, when you're living the fast life 11am is early. I turned over on my left side to feel that no one was there. Where's Nicki? She never wakes up before me. I dragged outta bed and made my way to the bathroom. I relieved myself, brushed my teeth, and washed my hands and headed downstairs. I looked in the living room, kitchen and laundry room: No Nicki. Lastly I made my way towards the patio outside. I found her, but why did she seem upset?
(3rd Perosn POV)
Nicki was sitting down in at the patio table, in one of the deck chairs. Drake sat across from her. "Nic, how long you been out here?" You could hear the concern in Drake's voice. "Since six this morning." Nicki said looking past Drake. "Why?" "Look, I don't wanna talk about it." "Okay, whenever you're ready I'm here babe, okay?" "Sure."

Drake went back inside their house and locked the patio door behind him. He knew she was hurting, hurting bad, but he didn't know why. Therefore he couldn't fix the problem. He sat on the couch and thought of how he could atleast lighten Nicki's mood. Once a idea pooped into his head, He went back out to the patio. Nicki was still crying. Her face now looking grey, yet still beautiful. "Nic, You know I hate seeing you like this. Come on I something that will cheer you up." Drake said holding Nicki's hands. "Kay. Carry me Aubrey." Nicki whined. "Sure thing ma." Dricki made their way into their master bathroom.

Drake then ran Nicki a romantic bubbly bath to calm her nerves. He put the lavender vanilla scented beads into the tub. Nicki got undress then dipped her little foot into the bath water, to make sure the temperature was just right. Drake took this as his cue to leave when she did get all the way into the tub. "Thank you Drake. You always know how to make me feel good. . .#Pauz." "No #Pauz, I love you." Drake shut the door and laid out on the bed watching canadian football. Nicki drained the bath water, wrapped a pink towel around her and
dried herself off. She put on her under garments, Drake's old t- shirt and some compression shorts. She opened the bathroom door to find Drake sleeping peacefully above the covers in his gym clothes. Nicki snuggled next to Drake. There was still this thing in the back of her mind that mad her so upset, but regulars wouldn't understand. Nicki had to tell someone and that someone was Drake, so she nuged him out of his slumber. "Drake . . ." Nicki's voice trailed off . "I'm up. What is it?" "You wanted to know the reason I was mad right?" This caught Drake's attention, so he sat up, propped on his elbows, facing Nicki. "Right." "Well . . Its this website called NickiDaily who leaked out all my new songs after Roman Reloaded. How could they do this to me. My own Barbz!" Nicki said crying into her pillow. "Shh, Its okay. Lets just take a little break. A little Roman Holiday." "You are so corny Aubrey." Nicki said smiling. "Hey there goes those adorable dimples of yours." "A break sounds nice, don't cha' think? "Indeed I do."Comment Please :)


Should I post Today or No ?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Chapter 7: Leaks (SNEAK PEAK)

(3rd Person POV)
Its been 2 months since the big fight with Rihanna and Nicki. The Dricki couple have moved past that chapter in their lives and were now on to bigger and better things. Alot can go on in a two month span. Nicki decided on living with Drake in his lofty condo in downton LA. Everything was going great. . . so far.
(Drake POV)
I woke up early, like around 11am. Yeah, when you're living the fast life 11am is early. I turned over on my left side to feel that no one was there. Where's Nicki? She never wakes up before me. I dragged outta bed and made my way to the bathroom. I relieved myself, brushed my teeth, and washed my hands and headed downstairs. I looked in the living room, kitchen and laundry room: No Nicki. Lastly I made my way towards the patio outside. I found her, but why did she seem upset?
(3rd Perosn POV)
Nicki was sitting down in at the patio table, in one of the deck chairs. Drake sat across from her. "Nic, how long you been out here?" You could hear the concern in Drake's voice. "Since six this morning." Nicki said looking past Drake. "Why?" "Look, I don't wanna talk about it." "Okay, whenever you're ready I'm here babe, okay?" "Sure."


I don't Know

I don't know why, but I'm in a writing mood.
Anyways posting schedule: On the weekends and Interludes sometime during the week :)


(Rihanna POV)

I pulled the covers off my sore body and looked my self in the mirror. Damn, that bitch fucked me up really bad. I ran my fingers over the raw scars on my face. I then took off my clothes and stepped into the shower to feel relieved.
I got dre
I fixed my hair and applied some makeup to cover up the pain that bitch caused me in the studio the other day.
I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm not gonna give up on me and Aubrey's love. I know deep down in my heart he still wants me. Yeah, I know I messed up by thinking he was fucking around, but he wasn't. I won't give up. I never will. I need him to come back to me. He was the best thing I ever had. I'm still madly in love with him. I need him he completes me. And as for Onika, bitch yours is coming. . . . . VERY SOON !

Chapter 6: I'm glad you came

(3rd person POV)
Nicki laid her purse down on the glass table in the living room. She was so ashamed at the way she acted. Nicki headed upstairs to take a shower. After the shower, Nicki put on her jammies.

She then climbed into her pink kingsize bed. She could slowly feel herself falling asleep.
Nicki woke up to the sound of her phone vibrating on the nightstand. She rolled over to pick up her barbieberry to see who was calling. The caller id said Drake. Nicki hesitated to pick up the phone.
Nicki: Hello?
Drake:Yeah, Nic hey.

Nicki: Aubrey?
Drake: Yeah.

Nicki: Oh.
Drake: All you can say is oh?

Nicki: I don't date people that don't tell me about their exes.
Drake: So we don't date?
Nicki: Nope
Deep in Nicki's soul, she knew she was lying. She could never stop loving Drake. Little did Nicki know, they were really meant to be together.
Drake: I'm coming over so you can say that in my face.
Nicki: Fine
Drake: (Chuckles) Bye
Nicki: (Click)

(Drake POV)
I looked myself over in the car mirror. I need to look good for my girl. Scratch that, my WOMAN. Only god knows how much I love Onika. I know what she said over the phone wasn't true. She needs to realize I'm a good guy and I'm not gonna hurt her. This is my only chance my one shot.
(3rd Person POV)

Drake knocked on Nicki's front door 3 times. About a minute later Nicki answered the door and let Drake in. They sat down on the couch. Drake started the conversation. "Nicki look-" "No Drake, you listen to me. I'm so sorry for overeacting like you knew I would. Lauren told me everything. I'm trying to work on that. I just didn't want Rihanna to take you away from me. I love you too much." Nicki said putting her head down. A smile formed on Drake's lips, exposing his pearly whites. He then lifted Nicki's chin, causing her to look up. "Baby girl, is that what is was? You didn't want to loose me?" Nicki nodded her head. Drake let out a chuckle. "That can never happen. You hear me? NEVER. She has absolutely nothing on you Onika and you really mean it? You love me, because its funny I love you too." "Really Aubrey?" Nicki said, letting out a single tear. Drake wiped the tear off her cheek. "Deadass."
"Aubrey, I'm glad you came."
"Me too Onika, me too."

Saturday, April 14, 2012

How Old Is HarajukuMikki ?

Answer: I'm 14 and will be 15 in July :)

Chapter 5: Take care

(3rd Person POV)
Nicki's eyes soon began to water again. She stood up tall, even though her pride was crushed. She stared Drake right in the eye before grabbing her things. Nicki quickly darted for the exit. Drake swiftly grabbed her wrist. "Onika wait!" Drake cried. "Let me go Aubrey. Why didn't you tell me this earlier? Now I'm over here looking stupid and shit. Fuck for? She obvisously wants your jewish ass back!" Nicki spat. "Onika, listen I don't want her stalker-ish ass. Baby all I want is you and only you." "Yeah whatever Drake. Let me go, fuck." Nicki squirmed from Drake's grip on her wrist. "Onika..." His voice trailed. Nicki turned around to Rihanna. "And for you miss bitch!" Nicki slapped Rihanna. "Nicki . . . NICKI!" Drake said trying to get Nicki off of Rihanna. But Nicki wasn't having it. She pimped slapped Rihanna, busted her lip and gave her a swollen jaw. "Next time yo' bitch ass know not to fuck around with me or my man!" Nicki barked. When she was done beating Rihanna's ass, lastly she spit on her. "Yeah hoe, I spit on hoes!" And with that, Nicki walked off and headed to a place to clear her head, her bestfriend's house (Lauren/Lil' Wayne's girlfriend)
Nicki parked her car. She looked her self in the car mirror. Her face was painted with grey cry streaks. She put on some concealer to hide her puff eyes. Then she got out hte car, locked the doors and Knocked on Lauren's door. Lauren opened the door. and let Nicki in. She already knew what was wrong, because Wayne called & told Lauren what happend in the studio. "Nicki, are you okay?" "Lori why didn't he tell me he used to date that bitch!?!" "Nic, he knew you would overreact. he only wanted what was best for you, which was not telling you." "Yeah, okay I get that, but still. I looked so stupid beating her ass. And when I was done, I kinda spit in her face." Nicki said looking down. "Nic! (Rolling on the floor laughing, you did NOT!?!?! (Tries to catch her breath)" "Yeah I did (Chuckles)" "WOW! Okay , bottom line do what you think is right" "Thanks Lauren." Nicki gave Lauren a hug and headed to her apartment.
(Back at the YMCMB Studio)

"Yo Nicki smacked the dog shit outta Ole'Girl"Wayne said Pointing at Rihanna's face. Drake placed his face in his hands while sitting in the rolling chair. He wanted nothing to do with Rihanna. "Hell yeah son! And to top it off, Nic spit on Riri!(Rolling, laughing)" 40 said trying to catch his breath. "Yall need to chill. Nic must hate me." Drake huffed. "Look, I know Barbie. She stubborn as hell and it might take some time, but Nic could never hate you. Trust me." Wayne said reassuring Drake. "Yeah man."  40 added in. "Well maybe you should forget about her and get back with me." Rihanna said batting her eyelashes, trying to look cute. "Girl back the fuck up. I want nothing to do with you. You ruined my relationship with Nicki." "Whatever Aubrey. What we had was much better and you know it. We were closer than close. Don't you want that back baby?" Rihanna said putting his hands on Drake's back. "Robyn, get off me. Look I'm not gonna lie, what we had was ok. But you were so crazy and you stil are. You looking hella desperate coming at my workplace, trynna get back with me. I've moved on and I strongly believe you should too." Drake said grabbing his keys and getting up. "Take care Rihanna." Drake walked right out the door.
"Well 40, you looking kinda good." Rihann said winking at 40. "Damn hoe you bounce back fast!" 40 yelled. "Fuck outta here!" Wayne said pushing Rihanna out the door. "Hoes these days!"

Author's comments: So, whatcha think !?!?!?!
Happy now? I posted a new chapter. Ohh, quick question. How old do you guys think I am ? Answer in the comment section and I will post the real answer in a note :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chapter 5: Take care (SNEAK PEAK)

(3rd Person POV)
Nicki's eyes soon began to water again. She stood up tall, even though her pride was crushed. She stared Drake right in the eye before grabbing her things. Nicki quickly darted for the exit. Drake swiftly grabbed her wrist. "Onika wait!" Drake cried. "Let me go Aubrey. Why didn't you tell me this earlier? Now I'm over here looking stupid and shit. Fuck for? She obvisously wants your jewish ass back!" Nicki spat. "Onika, listen I don't want her stalker-ish ass. Baby all I want is you and only you." "Yeah whatever Drake. Let me go, fuck." Nicki squirmed from Drake's grip on her wrist. "Onika..." His voice trailed. Nicki turned around to Rihanna. "And for you miss bitch!" Nicki slapped Rihanna.
Author's comments: Sorry for the cliffy :)
soooooo. . .  comment and tell me whatcha think !

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Chapter 4: You said what Now ?!?!?

(3rd Person POV)
Drake's face dropped completely. Rihanna was not the person he wanted to see, especially since he started dating Nicki.Why was she here? What did she want anyways. Back in 2009, Drake and Rihanna dated off and on for about 3 years. Drake tried to make it work with her, but she was crazy. She always thought he was cheating and messing around with other girls. So he broke up with her. He really thought she was a sweet and well rounded girl. He even had the crazy idea of marring Rihanna. Drake never wanted to tell Nicki though, because he knows how she overreacts to everything. Rihanna was the very last person Drake wanted to see.
(Drake's POV)
I could feel the sweat forming on the palms of my hands. I can tell some shit is going to pop off today, knowing Riri. I know she wants to get back with me. She's been trying to get in contact with me since our break up. I hate that bitch. She's a fucking stalker with a capitol S! I don't even understand. Why can't she just leave me & Onika alone?!?!?
(3rd Person POV)
"Hey Riri!" Nicki said leaping out of the couch, going over to Rihanna. Rihanna's body got stiff when Nicki's sking came in contact with hers. Rihann was jealous of Nicki in so many ways. Nicki sold more records than her, had a better body, and most of all Nicki has Drake, Her 'man'. "(Smiles) Hi Nicki." Rihanna replied with a fake smile plastred on her face. Nicki sensed this. Silence filled the atmosphere quickly. Drake broke the akwardness. "Enough of the bullshit Rihanna. What the hell do you want?" Drake said in a cold firm tone. "I came over here to spend time with my pal, Nicki!" Rihanna replied rolling her eyes. "Get the fuck OUT!!!!" Drake said stepping to Rihanna's face with Wayne and 40 holding him back just in case. "Yo, man you should chill." 40 said trying to control his friend. "Yeah man." Wayne added in. "Drake what the hell are you getting mad at Riri for? She didn't do anything." Nicki said moving Rihanna out of the way. Now Nicki was standing in front of Drake, defending Rihanna. Drake gave Nicki a firm nudge, causing her to stumble back. "UHH. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST PUSH ME FOR?!?! WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU AUBREY!?!?" Nicki asked while trying to hold back the on coming tears. "Nicki I'm sorry, but she makes me so mad!" Drake said stepping back from Nicki. He need to get out of the room, before he did anything he would regret. "Why does she make you mad?" Nicki asked with pleading eyes. "Nic, chill." Wayne said giving Nicki the 'eye'. "Look Nic, me and Rihanna . . . . we used to dated for like ..... three years on and off. Nicki couldn't believe her ears. She clenched her chest. It felt like her heart and time stopped. Nicki looked up at Rihanna. A huge smile appeared apon Rihanna's face. Nicki wanted to punch the bitch dead in her face. "You said what now?" Was all Nicki could say.

Author's comments: Ahahaaaa. Poor Nicki. *Slaps Riri for you*. until next time my pretties !!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012









Chapter 3: The start of Something New Part 2

(3rd Person POV)
Sb had came from the studio with the Young Money crew, minus Drake & Nicki. He had called Nicki's barbieberry several times, but he got no answer. So Sb decided on stoping by Nicki's apartment to check on her and make sure she was okay.
*** (Meanwhile in Nicki's Living room)
Nicki layed wrapped in Drake's arms. Her cotton white silky curtains shined god's sunlight on their faces, aluminating them. They slept peacefully, until they were startled by the sound of someone busting through the front door. "Aye, Nic are you alive?!?!? I called your phone twice and NO ANSWER!" Sb shouted while shutting the door behind him. "Yo Nic, What the hell are you and Drizzy canada boy doing?!?" "Safaree, why in the living hell are you screaming!?!?" Nicki yelled releasing from Drake's grip on her. Drake sat up on the plushy pink sofa. "Yo Sb, whats good son?" Drake said with a voice full of sleep. "I'm good Coon. Didn't know you and Nic were dating. I'm happy for ya' son." Sb said giving Drake a dab. "Thanks." Drake replied. "I'm happy you guys are buddy buddy and all, but I'm gonna go take a shower." Nicki said running up the stairs. When Nicki was done with her shower she put on her under garments, lotion up and washed her face and brushed her teeth. She put on her clothes :

Drake also took a shower. His clothes:
Once they were done getting dressed, they both went back downstairs and watched tv. Nicki was snuggled up on Drake's chiseled chest. Drake rested his head on Nicki's head. While in the middle of the movie "The devil wears Prada", Nicki sat up and asked Drake: "Babe, wears Faree' ?" "Ohh. He said he had to leave." Oh, okay. I'm bored. take me somewhere." "Okay. babe put some shoes on." "Uhh. Where we going Drizzy?" Nicki asked while strapping on her heels. "Its a surprised. Nicki grabbed the keys to her pink barbie benz. "Nope. I'm driving." Drake said taking the keys out of Nicki's hands. "Fine, but don't wreck my shit." Nicki said rolling her eyes. "Never that." Drake replied with a sly smile. The drive was short and quick. Once the Dricki couple got to their destination, Drake hopped out the car first and went over on Nicki's side to help her out, like a true gentleman. Nicki saw that they went to the Young Money . . . . studio. *Really Drake?!?! -___-* Nicki thought. Drake held the door open for Nicki.

Drake and Nicki made their inside and were greeted by Drake's bestfriend/ovo producer, 40 aka Noah. And also Lil' wayne.
Nicki sat in the back o the smooth brown leather couch. Drake grabbed a rolling chair and sat among the men. "Hey Barbie." Wayne said giving Nicki a hug. "Hiya Mr.President. What the fucks good ?" Nicki said smiling. "Nothing much. Sb came over early this morning checking over the roman reloaded album." "Yeah, I know. Its coming togehter boss." "Good." "Nic, come spit a lil' something on this beat." "Sure, Drake."
"B-b-b Bad I am, All of them bitches I'm badder than . . . ."
Nicki was nodding her
 head head to the make me proud beat. She continued to write the rest of her verse in her pink notebook and recorded it in the booth. "Damn Nic, that was dope." 40 said clapping his hands. "Yeah. I taught you well kidd-o." Wayne said nodding his head at Nicki. "Good job baby !" Drake said kissing Nicki's cheek. "Thanks you guys. the barbz are gonna love this !" Nicki said blushing. 3 hours passed, and they were all still in the studio recording songs, laughing and joking. that is until Rihanna walked through the door. Drake's face dropped completely.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Beautiful. That's what he is. His eyes are a honey hazel. His hair smelled like coca if you have gotten as close to him as I have. How could something so beautiful and perfect slip away from my fingers like that? Oh, God I have to get him back. He is apart of me. There is no way he doesn't love me back. Okay, He said that we broke up, because I was so called "crazy" ?!?!? I am not crazy. I just know what I want. He is what I want. We were meant to be together. I will kill to have him again. That's exactly what I plan to do if I find out he's dating someone else. Oh No ! I just found out him and . . . . Nicki Minaj are dating. How the hell did this happen? That barbie hoe?!?!? How can he dump me for that fake plastic piece of TRASH. Ohh My work shall be easy. But I need a plan. A plan to . . . Get rid of her. Drake wants me, Not Nicki. And I, Rihanna will kill Onika Tanya Maraj

Author's comments: My interludes are not gonna be that long, but next time I'll make them longer. Okay? Okay. Likeeee dnt forget to comment !!! S/o to Miss Minaj for being the 1st person following me (:Follow me on twitter @HarajukuMikki 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Note -_____-

Hey you guyz , I see that no one is reading my dang on story. I feel like Im talking to myself
-__- Try not to forget me . also leave your twitter names . I follow back @HarajukuMikki

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Chapter 2 : The Start of Something New

(Drake's POV)
Two weeks had gone by since I was in Houston. After a few shows in Toronto, I headed back to my Condo in Downtown Los Angeles. I really miss Nicki. I left her on a bad note. I didn't want to leave knowing she doesn't know how I feel about her. I Aubrey Drake Graham loves Onika Tanya Maraj and today will be the day I look into her seductive eyes and tell her I love her more than a friend.
(3rd Person POV)

Nicki woke up to her phone ringing. The song 'Make me Proud' went off.  She knew that was Drake. Nicki picked up her neon pink blackberry and started the phone conversation.
-Nicki: Hello?
-Drake: Hey Nic.
-Nicki: Hi Drizzy.
-Drake: Nicki we need to talk about our show in Houston. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to kiss you. I mean I did, but I just wanted to say that Nicki I love you. Yes, I fucking love you. I've loved you for quite some time now. I kissed you , because after seeing you brighten up that stage, I had to kiss you. Onika you looked so precious and sexy as hell! But I was still wrong for disrespecting you. I'm so sorry." Nicki sat in silence on the other end of the phone line. Was Drake really saying this to her? She was happy very happy. But does she have the guts to tell Drake how she feels?
-Drake: Ummm, Nicki are you there?!?!
-Nicki: Ohh. Sorry I'm here.
-Drake: It was that bad huh? Look Nic if you don't feel the same way . . . Then its cool , I mean i just really hope that-
-Nicki: NO! Drake I do love you. I really do. I just didn't know how to tell you. And that kiss was just . . . WOW!
-Drake: (Chuckles) Damn Nic you got a nigga over here nervous and shit.
-Nicki: I'm sorry Drizzy Boo
-Drake: Nicknames already? (Laughs) Nic , I want you to be my girlfriend. Hello? Hello? Nicki. NIC! Are you there
-Nicki: (Call ended)
*** (Back at Nicki's Apartment)
Nicki pressed the glowy red button on her black berry to end her call with Drake. She got off her bed and began pacing her bedroom back and forth. "Ugh, why did I do that? No, Onika you know you want him. Just put your past behind you. The past was meant to forget if ts something bad!" Nicki talked to herself. Nicki heard a knock at her door. She shot out of her bed and darted downstairs. When Nicki finally reached the door, she looked out the peep hole and saw that it was Drake. She really didn't want to see him, but she did. Nicki fixed her hair in the near by mirror and let him in. They stood at the door staring at each other. "Can I come in?" His sexy voice filled her ears. How can he ask a question that he already knows the answer to? Nicki stepped to the side to let Drake in. Drake sat on the light pink sofa and Nicki sat next to him
Nick's living room
(Drake all the way on the left & Nicki all the way on the right with a couch square in between them)

Once they sat down, akwardness filled the room. Drake cleared his throat and started the conversation. "So Nicki why won't you just admit you love me, instead of running away from the truth by hanging up in my face?" Drake stated bluntly. "I didn't mean to hang up in your face Aubrey, I really didn't, its just I've been dumped and hurt by so many guys. But I know you wouldn't do that to me, but that doesn't mean I'm still not scared." "Onika, let me show you how to love and how much I love you. I'm not those other niggas. I know how to treat a women and I damn sure know what to do with one. So Onika will you be mine?" Drake turned towards Nicki and held her hands in his. "Okay Drake I'll be your girlfriend, but please don't break my heart." Nicki said looking serious. "Never that"
(3 hours Later) 
Drake looked up at the clock on the wall. It read 11:47pm. Drake turned his body to see Nicki snuggled up on his lap. She lightly shook her to wake her up. "Nicki, Its kind of late. I should be heading out." "NO! Stay with me. I don't want to be here alone." Nicki said with a voice ful of sleep. Drake gave in and the Dricki couple settled on staying on the couch with Drake's arm wrapped around Nicki's fragile arms.
Little did they know what the morning had in store for them . . . .

(Author's Comment: Ahahaa. #TeamDRICKI ehh ? Sorry you guys . I'm cooking breakfast while typing not good . Pluss I burned some eggs -______- Some to come today or Next weekend ! )

Saturday, March 31, 2012

TREATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Onika Tanya Maraj aka Nicki Minaj

Aubrey Drake Graham aka Drake

DRICKI DOMINATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 1 : Something about you

(Nicki POV)
"Nicki , you're needed on set in five." My bestfriend , Safaree "SB" Samuels said handing me my pink sparkly microphone. I swallowed the huge lump in my throat , Straightned out my Blonde wig with the pink tips out and put on the fakest smile for my barbz. "Okay Faree' , Thank you." Is all I could reply back. I've been feeling weird lately. I can't explain. I just feel so lonely once I get offstage from performing. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by Sb pushing me on stage.
(3rd Person POV)
The stage at the Toyota center was packed. A full house. The barbz could feel Nicki giving life to every song she performed. She Performed Superbass, Itty bitty piggy, Stupid Hoe, Turn me on & One more song.
Then Dj Diamond dropped the track "Moment 4 life". Nicki was shocked , because she didn't rehearse for that song. Nicki made her way half way through the song. Before she knew it , a pair of strong arms latched around her small waist. She turned around to see no other than Aubrey "Drake" Graham. "What I tell them hoes bow bow bow to me drop down to ya' knees. Young Money the mafia , thats word of Lil cees" He rapped into his Mic. Once the song was over , Drake looked into Nicki's chocolate almond eyes and said "Miss Minaj , Its been a pleasure performing with you tonight. You were just amazing. And Might I say You looking bad as hell doing it. Great show , I love you. Goodnight and Take care Houston,Texas!" "Thank you Drizzy. You did Good too . Caught me by surprise , but thanks for showing up. I love you too. Goodnight My Texas Barbz!" And with that Dricki exited the stage.
Drake was looking around for Nicki. He wanted to see her one last time, before his flight back to Toronto. He came all the way down to Houston to be able to perform with Nicki and to possibly tell her how he felt about her. Drake has know Nicki for about 4 years now and ever since he laid eyes on her, he has fallen in love with her. She was Beautiful,funny,smart,and helpful. When he was onstage with her tonight , that just boosted him to want to tell her tonight. He heard heels clacking on the white tile floors. Drake jogged around the corner to catch up with the sound of heels. He found Nicki. Drake tapped Nicki on the shoulder. She turned around and flashed Drake her million dollar Dimple smile. His hazel eyes roamed her beauty. Her cute little nose. Her full pink rosey lips, her banging body, and her tiny feet. She was the Defintion of PERFECT. "Uhhh , Earth to Drake?!?! What's up ?" Nicki said Waving her hands in his face , bringing him out of his trance. "Ohh. Umm Nicki Hey, I just wanted to tell you my plane to Tornonto leaves in about an hour."  "Ohh Well I'm going to miss you around here , Drake." If only he kew how much Nicki meant what she said. She always loved Drake. Ever since he came into Young Money around the same time as her. He was sexy, cute, funny, intelligent, and Charming. She didn't want him to leave. She was always good at camouflaging her feeling towards Drake. She was always used to guys treating her wrong and with no respect. This is why she never dates. Too many problems and mistakes & Nicki was too busy in her career to date anyways. But there was Something different about Drake. The question was why was tonight the night to unlock al those hidden secrets? Nicki's inner question was cut off by Drake Kissing Nicki on the lips. *Ohh God why did he Do that ?!? I'm going to kill him , but it felt so good* Nicki thought. Her brain switched back to reality mode. She did not want Drake to think she was easy , so she pushed him off of her. Drake got the message Nicki was sending and took a step back to look Nicki in the eyes. *There he goes , using his eyes to suck me in* "Drake what the hell were you thinking?!?!" "Nicki I am so sorry, I couldn't help myself. But between me and you , you know you like it." Nicki's mouth dropped and she rolled her eyes. "No I didn't! Don't you have a plane to catch?" "Yeah, you right Nic. I'll see you around. Take care ma". Drake took a step closer to Nicki and lifted her chin up . She looked up at him and he winked at her then walked off , not looking back. Nicki stood there for a moment thinking. There was something about Mr. Aubrey Drake Graham that makes Nicki want to melt to ice . This is love. Nicki felt someone nudge her on her shiulders. "Aye Nic , You ready to go?" Safaree asked with his LV duffle over his shoulder. " Yeah Faree' , Lets get out of here." Nicki replied. "Oh and Nic ?" "Yes Faree' ?" "Wipe your mouth. You over there drooling and shit. Coons never do that. Whats gotten into you?" Nicki kept walking towards the parking lot with her eyes fixed on the floor , smiling. "Hehe, No one Safaree , no one"

Welcome !

Hey you guys this is my very 1st DRICKI blog & I wanna do the best fan fiction i most possibly can . I accept feedback , comments and what not . So Leave your @ Names so I can follow you guys ! (I more than likely already follow you) So Enjoy this blog . #Leggoooo !